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Croell Wins 2017 Excellence in Concrete Award

Posted: Dec 12, 2017

Croell, Inc. was awarded a 2017 Excellence in Concrete Award in the category of Agriculture for the Grain Millers Oat Storage Complex in St. Ansgar, Iowa. Planning, design and engineering took approximately 5 months on the 8 silos, 42 feet in diameter bins, with a 21 foot bubble bin, 140 foot tall complex.  The footings were just over 3 feet thick, taking just over 2,000 CY of concrete to fill.  The silo slip took around the clock batching using 2 crews, each working 12 hours.
In 7 days, they batched just shy of 5,000 CY.  Throughout this process, there was an impressive coordination of material delivery of cement, rock and sand.  On the delivery end, there were 7 days of almost 500 loads of concrete without any rejections.  This consistency, along with the outstanding work of the haulers and dispatchers, enabled Todd and Sargent (Engineering Firm, Ames, IA) to obtain the finish and appearance that they desired on this project.

You can download more details (pdf) on this project.